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Gantt Chart More info

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Visualize the scheduling and progress of projects, tasks and milestones

What are Gantt Charts?

Gantt charts are a great tool to visualize the scheduling and progress of Projects, Tasks and Milestones. What are those?

  1. Project: The main project that contains Tasks and Milestones. There can be one or more projects in one Gantt Chart. 
  2. Tasks: a Project is defined into one or more Tasks. Each Task has his a scheduled start- and end date. 
  3. Milestones: a Milestone is set for a single day, so start- and end date are equal. For example it can be used for a hard deadline. A Project can contain non, one or more Milestones.

Each new item (Project, Task or Milestone) needs to be created using the New Task dialog. Once an item is created, date and progress can be changed using a drag & drop logic with the mouse.

An interesting feature of the Gantt Chart is that dependencies between items in the chart can be defined. This can be used in cases where it is a prerequisite that a Certain Task has to be finished, until another Task can start.


Some features:

  • Toggle Critical Path: each Project has en end-point, or Milestone. The total time needed to reach that destination, including finishing all tasks that have interdependencies, is the critical path. 
  • Toggle Readonly: drag & drop interfaces can easily cause unwanted changes in data. Being able to switch to readonly, can prevent that from happening. 
  • Add and Clear Subscale: Tasks and Projects are projected in time. The time scale can be months, weeks, hours or minutes. Choosing Subscaling gives the option to provide a timescale that fits the general duration of Tasks. 
  • Collaps and Expand: to see Projects only, Collapse All. Expand All to see all Tasks and Milestones of Each Project. 
  • Time indication: when time progresses, an indication of the realized precentage can be registered


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