We are pleased to announce the availability of DataFlex Reports 2018 (v6.2) Beta II.
The main topic of version 6.2 is the introduction of crosstabs/pivot-tables to the reporting engine.
New features
- Ability to copy DataFlex Reports Studio options from the install program
- Added SQLite driver
- Added Connection string to ODBC connection wizard
- Option to show errors when connecting to a Data source
- Added formatting functions: FormatDate(), FormatTime(), FormatNumber(), FormatCurrency()
and FormatInteger()
- Bigint support
- Option for exporting to Excel in native datatype
- Side-by-side support for the DataFlex Reports Studio
- DataFlex Reports Studio is now DPI aware and has new icons
- Import and Export of RDS tables and sample data to RDS
- Ability to hide/show row number in RDS sample data dialog
- Hide barcode text and default barcode type
- Barcode possible on parameter value
- Functions for positioning and sizing of objects
- Updated integration library
- Updated help
Changes between Beta I and Beta II
- Fixed incorrect internal version id in the Maintenance utility
- Fixed problem with dates in DataFlex driver
- Fixed problems with missing DataFlex runtime files in the installation
- HDE 5471/5406 https://support.dataaccess.com/Forums/showthread.php?62658-DR-6-2-Test-
Findings fixed Dialog failed error when creating a new report based on a SQL statement
- HDE 5468 https://support.dataaccess.com/Forums/showthread.php?62658-DR-6-2-Test-
Findings Fixed index out of bounds error when creating report based on SQL statement via
Database Expert
- HDE 5470 https://support.dataaccess.com/Forums/showthread.php?62658-DR-6-2-Test-
Findings Current connection in Database Expert does not show SQL statement
- HDE 5469 https://support.dataaccess.com/Forums/showthread.php?62658-DR-6-2-Test-
Findings Fixed Table mismatches error when using Check database on a SQL statement report
and changing the statement
- HDE 5427 Fixed problem with umlaute character (accentuated characters)
- HDE 5429 Cannot create SQL based report from Database Expert
- HDE 5475 Wrong icon in toolbar
- HDE 5449 ODBC connection wizard creates incorrect SERVER when using managed connections
with MS-SQL
- HDE 5434 Create DSN less connection does not allow you to specify a server not listed in the
- HDE 5431 Managed connection list is not automatically populated and does not include
connection information
- HDE 5466 Incorrect data when using SQLite SQL statement
- HDE 5461 Browse data does not work on SQLite database
- HDE 5462 Weird characters when using SQLite database with accentuated characters
- HDE 5291 Paint problem in Designer (design tab) when scrolling a label report horizontally
- Added DataFlex 19.1 library
- DF_Material support (new default theme for 19.1)
Changes between 6.1.5 and 6.2
- HDE 5135 https://support.dataaccess.com/Forums/showthread.php?61986-DR-6-1-4-Setup
- HDE 5019 Fixed broken link in the Control Panels Programs and Features for DataFlex Reports
- HDE 5040 Size To Font option no longer allowed on barcode
- HDE 5273 Fixed keys (line Tab and Enter) not working in search dialog
- HDE 5146 Installer no longer removes DR registration files during uninstall
- HDE 5224 Problem with position of Group Header in a subreport
- https://support.dataaccess.com/Forums/showthread.php?62252-DR-craches-with-long-text-inmemo-
- HDE 5092 Exporting a report with Page Layers to Excel will result in blank lines
- HDE 4523 https://support.dataaccess.com/Forums/showthread.php?59482-DR5-01-Export-to-
- HDE 5266/5253 Fixed Unable to read report (possibly damaged) error when report contains
empty functions
- HDE 5022 Fixed problem with empty (NULL) Memo and Binary columns displaying random
- https://support.dataaccess.com/Forums/showthread.php?62288-Error-4509
- https://support.dataaccess.com/Forums/showthread.php?62272-Output-to-PDF&highlight=PDF+opened
- HDE 5030 https://support.dataaccess.com/Forums/showthread.php?62391-New-page-numberon-change-of-group-no-longer-working-(DR-6-1-5-9607)
- HDE 5315 Find dialog does not get the focus
- https://support.dataaccess.com/Forums/showthread.php?62439-DR-6-1-5-Issue-with-Text-objects&highlight=cut+paste
- HDE 5272 OnPreviewClick no longer redirects errors to cDRReport object
- HDE 5178 Fixed bug in export file name
- HDE 5293 https://support.dataaccess.com/Forums/showthread.php?62275-Function-TableNumber-is-not-resetting-local-error-handling
- HDE 5281 Error message after pressing Help