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DataFlex 19.1, Alpha 5 Released!

September, 21, 2018

The DataFlex 2018/19.1 Alpha 5 build is available for download and testing with your mobile, web and Windows applications.

In addition to the many features and enhancements included in earlier Alpha releases, the 5th Alpha release adds:

  • A new HTTP Request Handler to build REST services and replace ASP for handling WebApp Framework file uploads and downloads
  • Parameterized queries in embedded SQL for better security
  • The complete set of language changes and code cleanup (including the resurrection of the Append command)
  • Enhancements to the DataFlex Studio, including the ability to manage web applications without having to run the Studio with elevated rights
  • Live DataFlex Reports examples in the WebOrderMobile, WebOrder and Order Entry examples
  • Numerous bug fixes and improvements resulting from developers’ reports about prior Alpha releases

Check out all of DataFlex 19.1’s new capabilities for yourself and share your feedback in the DataFlex 19.1 Testing Forum!

Please note: To download the Alpha 5 software from the link above, you must have an active Data Access ID. If you do not have one, you will be prompted to register for a Data Access ID in the dialog that pops up after following the download link.