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New video course: Migrating to DataFlex 2021 Part 2 - Unicode

February 18, 2021

The second part of the course ’Migrating to DataFlex 2021’ is published on the DataFlex Learning Center! This part starts at lesson 6 of the course and will go into depth about Unicode in DataFlex.

The course is divided into three parts: part 1 (lesson 1-5): Migrating to DataFlex 2021, part 2 (lesson 6 -11): Unicode, part 3: 64-bit. The first two parts are online now, the third part will follow later this year.

DataFlex 2021

On February 10th we released the DataFlex 2021 Release Candidate (RC). The RC marks the end of the refinement and bug fixing phase and enables developers to learn, migrate, develop and test the new capabilities of DataFlex 2021.

After Alpha and Beta versions of DataFlex 2021 a wealth of 64-bit and Unicode knowledge from early adopters is already available in the Data Access forum. We look forward to your additional feedback in the testing forum as well!

2021-01-25 Migrating to DataFlex 2021 Part 2 OG