We are pleased to announce the release of the Graphics Library for DataFlex 2021. With the Graphics Library you can display, edit and view properties of images supported by Microsofts GDI+ component installed on your computer. This includes bitmaps, icons, jpg, tiff, gif, png. You can also program the use of shapes and write text strings to the device.
- cGDIStringFormat class added
- cGDIFont class added
- cGDIFontFamily class added
- cImageFormatMenuItem class added
- Codecs Info Dialog component added
- New CreateThumbnailFromImageDemo demo program
- New cGDIImageDecoders and cGDIImageEncoders classes
- ImageGallery demo application enhanced with image rotation option
- Added package with language IDs
- All code now 32/64 bit compliant
- All code now Unicode compliant, including removal of StrToWStr, WStrToStr and WPStrToStr as they are no longer needed
- Variable type changes such as address to pointer, integer to uinteger where needed
- Shapes demo application extended with Drawstring example
- Documentation with many changes
- Technique of loading an image from disk, see pbLoadImageFromUCharArray
- Pasting an image (from Clipboard) triggers the OnImageSelected event only when the save was successful
- CodeJock property grid (used as demo in ImageGallery) updated from v12 to v18.3 (note: you are not allowed/licensed to use the component in your own applications without first purchasing a license with CodeJock Software)
- Imageproperties enhancements
- Display of thumbnail image in properties grid
- GraphicsAbout.dg enhanced
- EditImage demo application restructured
- cDbImageContainer class improved to avoid errors during object destruction
- Renamed structs (like tBitmapInfoHeader -> tWinBitmapInfoHeader) to get in line with DataFlex
- CloneMatrix returns a new DataFlex cGDIMatrix object instead of a pointer to a GDI+ Matrix object
Note: This 3.1 version is only for DataFlex 2021. For DataFlex 19.1 you need to download the 3.0 version.
Download Graphics Library (free)