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Free Quill Editor Library for DataFlex 2022

October 5, 2022

The Quill Editor is an open-source WYSIWYG editor that, with the DataFlex Quill Editor Library, enables you to create, edit and store richly formatted HTML content in DataFlex applications! The library is available for DataFlex 2022.

The DataFlex Quill Editor Library

The Quill Editor is a modern rich text editor built for compatilibity and extensibility. It has a very small footprint in your code and it supports images and code sections with code highlighting. The DataFlex Quill Editor Library enables you to inlcude the Quill editor in your DataFlex applications.

A few new features in this release:

  • Thanks to the new pbInlineImages, e-mail support is better than ever
  • Due to additional improvements no additional quilljs CSS is required for custom fonts and sizes

A complete list of the changes is available on the download page!


Download the DataFlex Quill editor Library for DataFlex 2022


2022-09-30 Quill Editor