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Build business software faster, at lower cost.


The DataFlex platform is for enterprise development teams, vertical market software developers and application consultants. Individuals that need to develop, deploy and maintain scalable, high performance business applications quickly at minimum cost.


Simply, DataFlex is designed for developing business application software. With only one language, one studio and one framework, it can be used to efficiently develop and deploy software for desktop browsers, mobile devices and Windows PCs.


Today, companies’ operations, information, and customer services are delivered through software. The right software platform can provide competitive advantage and increase the speed of business. With advanced design, superior developer productivity, strong support from a trusted supplier and an active global community, developing business software with DataFlex is faster and lower in cost. DataFlex is the right software platform.


DataFlex cloud-based and premise-based applications are powering businesses on every continent and in all industry sectors including: health care, ITC, government, transportation, construction, legal, manufacturing, travel & leisure, financial services, retail, wholesale, agriculture, public utilities, churches, broadcasting, non-profit organizations and more.

DataFlex users

As a platform for developing and deploying business applications, companies across many industries rely on DataFlex for their business applications. 

What is DataFlex about?

Creating responsive web and mobile applications has never been so easy. If that is what you are looking for, and you are new to DataFlex, please visit the special page. Discover DataFlex today!

What is DataFlex about?